Línea Directa Aseguradora

fotografiaDigitalisation plan underway

  • In 2019, the company grew twice as much as the sector in the auto and home insurance sectors, while its health insurance brand (Vivaz) has attracted 70,000 customers in only two years of activity.
  • A far-reaching digitalisation plan was launched, which will halve the time spent by insurance holders on procedures related to their policies and the aim is to have 1.5 million digital customers in 2020.
  • As part of its focus on research and raising social awareness on road safety last year Línea Directa Foundation carried out three studies that attracted a record number of media hits.
  • Bankinter will issue a proposal at its 2020 annual general meeting to float Línea Directa Aseguradora on the stock exchange, keeping 17.4% of the capital. In the transaction, the Bank's shareholders would receive one free share of Línea Directa for each Bankinter share held, as a share premium.

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